Thursday, March 24, 2011


My Dearest Fellow Global Educators,

It is with pleasure that I will finally put a closure to our LEARNING SQUARES this semester. You have proven so much about your becoming persons: Self-sustainable and Self-sufficient; I am confident that Miles away from our classes, you will Go forward in achieving your goals; I will not forget most of you who made an Impact to help others and Infected them to do the same; Let us continue to Live, Love, and Learn. Remain Enthusiastic with our very important roles in Teaching Minds, Touching Hearts and Transforming Lives of our students, our children.

Let our shared moments in ECED13 as well as ECED11 serve as our most treasured inspiration to Serve God and His children.

Animo UCC! You are Unique, Competent, and Caring Individuals!

See you on our LAST LEARNING SQUARE together tomorrow!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Dear Global Educators,

As requested, we will extend the 1:00pm deadline up to TONIGHT 9:00pm.

Remember to follow instructions properly: blog and email.

Update me HERE after posting and emailing.

All submissions after 9:00pm will either be deleted or ignored.

God Bless You all!



Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear Global Educators,

In lieu of the form I was supposed to upload, please email your word file answers to the following guidelines:

First column - enumerate the 10 GC Approaches we discussed
Second column - In two (2) parts, create scripts between the student reporting a problem and a Teacher response according to the GC Approaches.
Third column - highlight one (1) strategy related to the GC Approaches, which you will have to describe according to how it can be applied in the classroom.
Fourth column - identify one ultimate learning expected from the students, related to the GC Approaches.

Submit your answers in word file and the file name should be your FULLNAME AND SECTION

Send your answers to and post it as well on your individual websites.

DEADLINE: Thursday 1:00pm

Thank you and God Bless!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Facilitators' Summary

Dear Facilitators,

Finish or not with your Learning Square Facilitation task, please upload your Topic Facilitation Summary. Do it together with your Faci-Partners or Members and please do indicate all your names at the end of it.

I am expecting you all to post it on your personal blogsites on or before February 14, 2011.

Better Days are Coming!

God Bless You all!


Thursday, November 25, 2010



Thank you and God Bless You All!


Congratulations Everyone!

Thank you so much for your initiatives.

Please register to my class by accessing

Thank you and God Bless you all!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

GABAYBATA: The Unofficial Webpage of ECED13 Students of UCC

GABAYBATA: The Unofficial Webpage of ECED13 Students of UCC

University of Caloocan City
Gen. San Miguel St., Sangandaan, Caloocan City

Guidance and Counseling in Preschool Education - ECED 13
Course Syllabus

Course Description:
This course exposes the significance of Guidance and Counseling in Preschool Education. A review of its history, and its various highlight concepts, principles, theories, and techniques related to guidance and counseling young children will be presented in this course. Most importantly, it hopes to provide student-teachers a training venue to acquire handy helping skills and to appreciate their roles better, as a tool for self-improvement and professional responsibility.

At the end of 18 weeks (54) Hours, the students are expected to:
  • Become well-versed with the highlight features of Guidance and Counseling and its major developmental benefits for young children in preschool education;
  • Equip themselves with various guidance and counseling strategies and techniques helpful to young children.
  • Immerse themselves fully in their chosen field to become better learners and responsible practitioners of Early Childhood Education;
  • Effect positive change to others by contributing their commitment to personal and social responsibility.


Individual Outputs:
* Gabay Development Program
* Evaluative Reports on their Assigned Tasks
* Progressive Participation in all Guidance Conferences and Counseling Simulations.

Group Outputs:
* Collaborative Presentations
* Online IVLE - Interactive Virtual Learning Experience
* Online Portal: - The Unofficial Website of ECED 13 students of UCC

Topic Outline:
1. Introduction
2. Guidance and Counseling in ECED
- Implications and Complications
- The SELF Structure
3. Major GC Concepts, Principles and Theories:
a. Psychoanalytic
b. Adlerian
c. Existential
d. Person-Centered
e. Gestalt
f. Transactional Analysis
g. Behavioral
h. RET and other Cognitives
i. Reality
j. Your Personal Theory
4. Guidance and Counseling Therapies
a. Helping Children with Special Needs
b. Play Therapies
c. Levels of Help - Who Needs Help?
d. Voice Therapy
5. Becoming an Effective Teacher
- Maximizing My GC Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

Brinich, Paul and Shelly, Christopher. The Self and Personality Structure (2002), Open University Press, Buckingham, Philadelphia, USA.

Parrott, Les III. PhD. Counseling and Psychotherapy (1997) , McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York Singapore

Velasco, Gundelina A. PhD. Children at Risk: Intervention Strategies (2005), Giraffe Books, London, England.

Wills, Frank, Skills in Cognitive Behavior, Counseling and Psychotherapy (2008), SAGE Publications Ltd., London.

Nov. 12 19 26
Dec. 3 10 18
Jan. 7 14 21(28)
Feb. 4 11 18 25
Mar. 4 11 18 25
Apr. 8 15
Online: Jan. 28
MidTerms: Feb. 4
FinalExams: Apr. 8 or 15