Thursday, November 25, 2010



Thank you and God Bless You All!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. good day sir!
    I'm already done in my assignment and I posted it in my account.

  3. ECED 13 Assignment, Guidance Program in Elementary
    Comprehensive Elementary Guidance Program
    Belief Statements

    We believe…

    * All students have individual abilities and are capable of learning with support from family, community and educators.
    * All students have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and learn in a safe, supportive environment.

    A school counseling program:

    * Reaches every student

    * Is comprehensive in scope
    * Is proactive in design
    * Is developmental in nature
    * Is an integral part of a total educational program for student success
    * Selects measurable student competencies based on local need in the area of academic, career and personal/social domains.
    * Has a delivery system that includes school guidance curriculum, individual planning, responsive services and system support
    * Is implemented by a credentialed school counselor
    * Is conducted in collaboration with all stakeholders.
    * Uses data to drive program decisions
    * Monitors student progress
    * Measures both process and outcome-results and analyzes critical data elements
    * Seeks improvement each year based on results data
    * Shares successes with stakeholders.

    All school counselors will:

    * Plan and manage the comprehensive school counseling program in collaboration with all elementary counselors.
    * Abide by the professional school counseling ethics as advocated by the American School Counselors Association.
    * Participate in professional development activities essential to maintaining a quality school counseling program.

    Mission Statement
    The mission of the Davenport Community School’s comprehensive school guidance program is to enhance each student’s ability to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills in the academic, career and personal/social domains to become contributing members of our diverse society.

    Submitted by: Cherry Billones BEED III -A

    Submitted to: Prof. Miranda

  4. Good morning Sir!!! wanna ask if this my assignment is correct..? hehehe... thanks a lot and more power.GOD BLESS!

  5. good day sir..
    its me Ailene Rubia of BEED 3A,
    i wasn't able to post my assignment here because google says some errors arise.. please view wherein i posted my assignment..

    thank you and have a great day sir..

  6. Sample Guidance and Counseling Programs for Elementary-ECED13
    Elementary School Guidance Program

    Your school counselors' job is to...
    ...Counsel individuals and small groups to help meet identified needs.
    ...Teach the guidance curriculum and assist teachers with guidance related curricula.
    ...Consult with parents regarding any concerns about their children.
    ...Consult with teachers and administrators regarding students' needs.
    ...Present workshops for parents, teachers, and community members.
    ...Interpret test results to students, teachers and parents.
    ...Coordinate with school and community personnel to bring together resources for students
    What are the qualifications of an Elementary School Counselor?
    A Master's Degree with specialization in guidance and counseling.
    2 years classroom teaching experience.
    State certification in Counseling.
    Did you know that a child may see the counselor for:
    Friendship problems?
    Help with my feelings?
    A school phobia?
    Motivation to Achieve?
    A fear? or Loss?
    Family Changes?
    A physical concern?
    Learning disabilities?
    Goal Setting?
    Conflict Management?
    Did you know there are many things to do in the counselor's office?
    Boys and girls can:
    talk about things that are important to them.
    uses play and art media to learn about themselves and others.
    use puppets to help them talk.
    be in a discussion group.
    just sit and think.
    Did you know there are many ways to see the counselor: Boys and girls can:
    ask to go to the counselor's office.
    have teachers send them
    have parents ask that they go.
    Counselors can invite them to visit.
    Did you know that counselors:
    Talk with students about themselves and others?
    See children individually and in groups?
    See classes at a regularly scheduled time for guidance?
    Conduct activities to improve self-concept?
    Talk with kids' Moms and Dads?
    Gain understanding through observation and the use of standardized test?
    Is a child's friend?
    How does the counselor learn about new ideas?
    Inservice training
    Continuing Education
    Inter-school counselor meetings
    Current literature

  7. good morning sir....
    done to post my assignment....

    thank you and GODBLESS...

  8. Title: Friends Forever"

    There are five boys who really close each other.They enjoying their companies together. Every single day of their lives they think that this is the last day of their living in this world, that's why every time they see each other they always enjoy every single minute of their lives. There motto is to love and live to the fullest, although they have their different problems they enjoy it and just think positively.

    Negative Point:
    Sometimes the become irresponsible.
    Positive Point:
    The positive point in this story that they are very optimistic person.they just enjoy life with faith in god.
    I relate myself in the story same with them I'm optimistic person too. I just enjoy life even though I struggle problems.
    V. Moral:
    The lesson in this story, is just enjoy life. Always remember that there is a GOD beside us and walk with faith.

  9. School Guidance/Counseling Program

    Virginia Beach City Public Schools offers a comprehensive K-12 school counseling program that is an integral part of each school's total educational program designed to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. As an essential part of the instructional program, school counseling helps to build a foundation for student learning and academic success.
    Program Design
    The division has adapted the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National model as the framework for developing a school counseling program because the model emphasizes a comprehensive and developmental approach for implementing a school counseling program. The concepts of student advocacy, leadership, collaboration, and systemic change are infused throughout the school counseling program.

    All schools are required to have a Guidance Advisory Council to inform all stakeholders about the school counseling program. This council is comprised of representatives from the school and community that include students, parents, administrators, faculty, businesses, universities, and other local agencies. Program Goals
    Student goals and Myrick's (1997) principle for developing counseling programs provide the basis of Virginia Beach Public City Public Schools' guidance program. These goals are:
    Understanding the school environment
    School success skills
    Career awareness and educational planning
    Understanding self and others
    Understanding attitudes and behaviors
    Decision making and problem solving
    Interpersonal and communication skills
    Community pride and involvement
    Program Components
    Our comprehensive school counseling programs are developmentally designed to serve all students and include the following services:
    Counseling Services
    Preventive or Remedial
    Crisis Intervention
    Referrals from students (self), parents , teachers, or others
    Classroom Guidance Services
    Academic Planning
    Career Awareness
    Decision making
    Personal/Social Development Skills
    Consultation Services
    Community Agencies
    Registration of New Students
    Academic Planning
    Student Records
    Testing Program (counselor's role may vary by school)
    Orientation Programs
    Peer Facilitator Programs
    Special Programs
    Referrals to community agencies
    College and Career Information
    College application process ( SAT/PSAT, Financial Aid, Scholarships, Transcripts)
    Career/Vocational preparation
    Parent Workshops
    Military (deployment, support, transitioning)

  10. sir,i already done my assignment about the the problems of ECED children..i just post it in my blog and i already registered on your subject..


    In children from birth to the beginning of the fifth year, common problems include difficulties in feeding and sleeping, as well as clinging to the parents (separation anxiety), temper tantrums, oppositional behavior, and minor degrees of aggression.

    1. Sleep Problem
    The most frequent sleep difficulty is wakefulness at night, which is most frequent between the ages of 1 and 4 years. About a fifth of children of this age take at least an hour to get to sleep or are wakeful for long periods during the night. When wakefulness is an isolated problem and not very distressing to the family, it is enough to reassure parents that it is likely to improve.

    2. Temper Tantrum

    Occasional temper tantrums are normal in toddlers, and only persistent or very severe tantrums are abnormal. The immediate cause is often unwitting reinforcement by excessive attention and inconsistent discipline on the part of the parents. When this arises it is often because the parents have emotional problems of their own or because the relationship between them is unsatisfactory.

    3. Pica

    Pica is the eating of items generally regarded as inedible, for example soil, paint, and paper. It is often associated with other behavior problems. Cases should be investigated carefully because some are due to brain damage, or autism, or mental retardation. Some are associated with emotional distress, which should be reduced if possible.

    4. Reactive attachment disorder of infancy and early childhood

    This term denotes a syndrome starring before the age of 5 years and associated with grossly abnormal care-giving. There are two subtypes: inhibited and disinhibited. Children in the first subgroup may show a combination of behavioral inhibition, vigilance, and fearfulness, which is sometimes called frozen watchfulness. These children are miserable, difficult to console, and sometimes aggressive. Some fail to thrive. Such behavior is seen among children who have been abused. Children with the disinhibited subtype of the disorder relate indiscriminately to people, irrespective of their closeness, and are excessively familiar with strangers. Such behavior has been described most clearly in children raised in institutions. In DSM-IV, the diagnosis is made when the disturbance of relationships appears to be a direct result of abnormal care-giving. ICD-10 does not use this criterion but requires that the behavior is present in several situations.

    5. Sibling Rivalry
    Your preschool age child may have a hard time sharing your attention with other siblings, especially a new baby. Children at this age are normally self-centered and may not understand why they have to share your attention. They may feel neglected or jealous and may regress in many of their behaviors. See the Preparing siblings for the new babyguide for more info...

    Older children may also feel jealously towards a preschool age child. It is important to respect your older children's need for privacy by setting certain areas and items off limits to your preschooler. And continue to spend special time alone with your older children.

    6. Child Abuse
    Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible sign, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse or child neglect, also leave deep, long lasting scars. Some signs of child abuse are subtler than others. However, by learning common types of abuse and what you can do, you can make a huge difference in a child’s life. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal from their abuse and not perpetuate the cycle. Learn the signs and symptoms of child abuse and help break the cycle, finding out where to get help for the children and their caregivers.

    There were types of Child Abuse these are the following:
    Emotional Child Abuse
    Child Neglect
    Physical Abuse

  12. sir i already posted my ass in ECED13 about PROBLEMS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD..


  13. good day sir!!

    i'm done with my assignment.
    I posted it in my account!


  14. good day done with my assignment about "THE COMMON PROBLEMS ENCOUNTER BY THE EARLY CHILDHOOD"............ i post it on my blog...its too long thats why i dont know how to post it here,,,,,,,, thx for your consideration... godbless...

  15. good day done with my assignment about "THE COMMON PROBLEMS ENCOUNTER BY THE EARLY CHILDHOOD"............ i post it on my blog...its too long thats why i dont know how to post it here,,,,,,,, thx for your consideration... godbless...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. good day sir.. i'm through with my assignment on ECED13.. about the "common problems in early childhood".. but i post it on my blog because it is too long to post it here....

    thanks sir.. godbless..

  18. good MORNING sir i just want to inform you that i am already done with my assignment

  19. gud eve sir.. I am also done w/ my assignment, I also post it on my blog because its too long.. advance merry Christmas sir.... tnx

  20. Gud eve Sr..
    Im already done in my assignment(Common Problems of Children) I posted it in my account..

  21. St. Ignatius Early Childhood Center
    Guidance Program

    Brief Descriptive of Early Childhood Center, Students and Staff

    St. Ignatius ECC offers a developmentally appropriate early childhood program for children aged 2-5 years of age. We have 100 children currently enrolled in our 2010-1011 school year. Our facility is located at the Northern most portion of St. Ignatius Catholic Church property. Our hours of operation are 9am-12pm daily, with an extended day (Lunch Bunch) Monday-Friday from 12pm until 2pm. We follow the Diocese of St. Petersburg school schedule as well as the Pinellas County School Calendar, for the most part. St. Ignatius ECC employs 12 staff members. We have a list of several Safe Environment Trained Substitutes that we utilize as needed. Our staff members are part time. The Director is the only full time employee.
    School Guidance Program
    As an Early Childhood Center, we do not have a guidance program. We have made the following arrangements, if there would be a need for a counselor or crisis intervention as well as the curriculum items noted that support this area of development.
    Contact the OCD&C (Kay Rizzo) to request a Crisis Intervention Team to assist with specific situations thatwarrant their expertise.
    Contact Guardian Angels Catholic School, Clearwater.
    Arrangements in place with Cindy Malinski to share their Guidance Counselor, Donna Eliason, if a situation arose that warranted consultation and/or a counselor on site.
    Refer families to FDLRS and other agencies depending on issue at hand.
    Safe Environment Curriculum – 3 & 4 year olds
    Refer families to parish priest or deacon, as appropriate
    Coordinate guest speakers/programs to enhance curriculum

    Consultation and Coordination:

    1. The Director meets with teachers to discuss student issues.
    2. The Director consults with parents and teachers during parent
    conferences when appropriate.
    3. Teachers, in consultation with the Director, offer community resources
    to the parents.
    4. The Director consults with the Office of Catholic Schools and Centers, if
    5. Once the family has signed documentation, the Director contacts the
    community resource.
    6. The Director and teachers consult with and support Inclusion resource
    7. The Director coordinates Safe Environment workshops for parents and
    8. The Director coordinates the Safe Environment curriculum for teachers
    and children.
    9. The Director coordinates the Guidance Curriculum for teachers and
    10.The Assistant Director coordinates guest presentations for children, such
    as Fire Fighters, Police, Helen Ellis Hospital health services, Pediatric
    Dentist, etc.
    11.The Assistant Director and Director coordinate guest presentations for
    parents, such as Helen Ellis Hospital health services, parenting classes,
    12.The Director coordinates Tour Of facility for Staff and Parents
    13.The Director introduces teaching staff to parents and prospective
    parents and children
    14.Parents visit the classroom prior to enrolling
    15.Parents receive and overview of the Family/Parent Handbook
    16.Director discusses the expectations of family and the needs of the child
    with the parents
    17.Support resources are made available to each family
    18.Johanna Gonzalez is our facility interpreter that is available for our
    Spanish speaking clients and Anna Chychek is available for our Polish
    speaking clients if needed.
    19.Our policy allows families to remain in the classroom with their newly
    enrolled child for a period of time as to when they all feel comfortable
    in the new surroundings.

    The school-based guidance program provides:

    1. Creative Curriculum assessment tool twice a year.
    2. Ages and Stages Questionnaire assessment tool if there are concerns
    about developmental delays.
    3. Safe Environment Curriculum
    4. Guidance Curriculum
    5. School Crisis Plan, which includes a Crisis Intervention Model. In the
    event of an emergency, contact the OCSC, 727-344-1611.

  22. Infant-Child Guidance Program
    A program of Children's Integrated Services
    Supporting Children's Emotional Well-Being
    Newborn to Six-Year Olds and their Families
    Do you have a question or concern about a young child's behavior or emotional development?
    The Infant-Child Guidance Program was created to assist infants, toddlers and children up to age six, who are experiencing social, emotional and/or behavioral difficulties and their parents and providers of early care and education.
    Program Results:
    An evaluation of ICG completed by Vermont Mental Health and UVM found:
    • Parental overall satisfaction: 96%
    • Satisfactory progress of child: 93%
    • Services improved family life: 79%
    Quote from a teacher: "ICG's ongoing presence in the classroom has yeilded a wealth of insight into the behaviors of the children... We have had amazing success at changing destructive behavior.
    The Infant-Child Guidance Program's consultants are available to:
    • Provide parenting support for any behavioral or emotional concern, including anger or aggression, trauma, foster placement, divorce, grief and loss.
    • Provide direct therapy and social skills training to children up to age 6, in their home, school, our office, child care, or whatever setting their parents prefer.
    • Consult with teachers and early childhood professionals to provide support and assistance regarding a child with behavioral and/or social-emotional difficulties.
    • Provide support groups and parenting classes.
    • Present workshops and trainings to families and early childhood providers.

    • A consultation with school staff regarding classroom and/or school approaches to behavior and to develop
    positive behavior supports and interventions.
    • Screening, evaluation, identification and referral for children displaying emotional disturbances.
    • Planning and implementing appropriate academic and other educational supports.
    • Measuring progress and improvement both for individuals and also for programs.
    • Interventions for students with chronic behavior and emotional needs.
    • Small group and/or individual counseling for such issues as social skills, anger control, etc.
    • Development of expectations such as positive behavior and intervention, prevention of violence, crisis
    planning and intervention, etc.
    • Coordination and referral of children and families to community service agencies, related to mental health

  23. sir I already finished my assignment..problems of early childhood..I posted it on my account...


  24. sir my assignment ( guidance program) was delete accidentally..

    it so hard to use this site... my head is aching!! joke!!

  25. good day sir.. im through with my assignment in ECED 13.. the common problems in early childhood.. i post it on my account.. thanks sir.. godbless..

  26. hey sir... i am through with my assignment with usual problems in early childhood.
    hope for a little appreciation on it.
    thanks and GODBLESS!!!!!!!!!


    This article deals with some aspects of past lives that explain how our personality develops since early childhood. We refer here to the root of many small to major emotional disturbances that impede or become a heavy burden toward happiness and success.

    The effects of emotional disturbances relate to what we call mental blocks, unexplained fears, obsessive behavior, depression, anxiety, addictions, uncontrolled anger, eating disorders, self-destructive behavior, and many other long standing problems affecting many people's lives for the worst.

    Let's see how the memories from past lives may play with negative emotions experienced during childhood.

    When confronting situations like those that imply fearing rejection, loss of something important, real or emotional death, doing something against our will, guilt, anger, and many others implying some sort of fear or frustration, somehow a part of our brain provides an understanding of them based on our past experiences configuring an scope of possible results, alternatives of solutions and actions to take.

    During childhood the understanding of those situations are associated to experiences usually related to the family members, their behavior and other situations related to the basic needs and feelings experienced in childhood.

    In childhood, while the child does not experience traumatic situations, the memories related to what is experienced are brought in a normal way and the new experiences are healthily stored in memory.

    But when some traumatic situation occurs, like hard beat ups, physical and emotional abuse, threats, abandonment, denial of the supply for the basic needs, lack of affection, isolation, being ignored etc, the child confronting such situations may access those memories that belong to traumatic situations experienced during past lives to find some way to psychologically adapt to the situation.

    An important fact to consider here is that nightmares also may bring the need to recall past lives experiences to confront the emotions moved due to them or bring up the use of a character trait stored in the past lives memories to cope with extreme emotions, specially fear.

    As a result of some fearful experience, real or dreamed, a character trait from past lives might emerge into the normal personality of the child to serve as a psychological defense. If the situation repeats a number of times, the character trait brought temporarily from past lives may stay as part of the normal personality, thus conditioning the same reaction when confronting situations that are somehow associated in the subconscious mind as the same or similar situations, with disregard of important aspects that make them different in the reality.

    The normal personality takes the present reality into account. The part of the personality that has been taken from past lives takes the present reality under the conditions that belong to past lives, thus inducing an emotional understanding that do not fit the real social practice of the child and later, when the same child becomes an adult.

    The above explain why some persons stay in the wrong relationships, cannot control anger, experience anxiety, social phobia, depression, etc. while others, the majority, in their same situation, do not.

  28. hello sir..

    im here again,.. just wanna say that im already done in encoding the LIST OF ECED PROBLEMS from the different blogs of my classmates.. please view

    thank you and God Bless..

  29. gud eve sir.. done with your assignment....

  30. good day sir^^
    done with my assignments.........God Bless

  31. good afternoon sir,im done with my assignment...GODBLESS..

  32. Good evening sir.. i'm through now with my assignment on here.. good night sir..

    time check: 11:10pm (GMT +8)December 8, 2010

  33. Nice day Sir!

    I'm Done posting my problem Chick list,

    I made it as I observe in usual class day

    thanks and hoping for a little bit of Appreciation..

  34. Hi Sir. !
    its Lunch time.. hehe!

    Im done with my assignment... Thak You so much!

    GODBLESS!! :)

  35. hi sir HECTOR....
    done with my assignment in PROBLEM Checklist...
    just view it on my blog...
    Bless God..!!!
    HAve a BLessed day ahead....

  36. GOOD DAY Sir' !

    im through with my assignment .. :D

  37. Good afternoon sir!! i'm done with my assignment..



  38. hi sir!!Good Day!

    I'm already done with my Problem Checklist..

    I posted it on my blog..

    tanx sir!

    God Bless!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Sir I`m done w/ my assignment.

    GOD BLess ....

  41. gud day sir ngaun qo lng po ntapos blogging inulit qu po kc ung account nkalimutan qu po kc ung password at usermame, sorry po sir.. see u tom.. gobless

  42. i'm done with my assignment sir.!!

  43. hi sir.... im sorry if im late in passing the assignment about problem checklist....

    sorry sir... i dont know how to do it thats why i take a look for the assignment done by my other classmates....

    I finished creating my problem checklist and i posted it sir on my homepage.....

    i hope its correct.... thank you sir....

  44. hi sir!
    i already done with my assignment about christmas for sale together with my happy thoughts...thank you and god bless!!

  45. Hi sir!!
    good evening, I already done with my assignment about my happy thoughts and the essay Christmas for Sale....
    Thank you sir!!see you on Friday on our seminar..
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance...........

  46. hi sir...I'm done with my essay about Christmas for sale..thanks po

  47. hi sir! I'm done with my assign. thank God..

  48. hi sir! at last! I'm done with this assign. yehey....

  49. good day sir!merry christmas and a happy new year po...

  50. merry christmas and a happy new year sir!..

  51. hi sir

    sorry for late

    assignment for

    christmas for sale

    by the way, hope for

    good appreciation to it.

    thanks and MERRY CHRISTMAS sir!!!!

  52. Gudevening sir!
    Im done with my assignment "Christmas for sale"..
    I already post it on my blog.. Hope u like it!
    if u want to read sir, just visit my blog..

    thank you so much sir!

    ..>>merry Christmas!!


  53. hello sir,

    im done with my essay entitled "CHRISTMAS FOR SALE"


  54. Gud day Mr. Miranda... here is the link to my assignment.. Hope I made it correctly.. Thank you...

  55. hi sir i'm done..................

  56. hello sir sakit sa ulo peo ok lang tapos na rin ako ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kaw na mag judge sa gawa koh salamat................

  57. sir!!!

    im sorry for doing late this assignment.

    happy new year sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  58. also done in essay!!!!!!!

    Christmas for Sale

  59. Good Evening Sir!
    I'm done on our last assignment this Year 2010! Exactly Dec. 31, 2010, between next year 2011! Thanks God!Kahit putukan na He2! HaPpy NEw YEar!!! God Bless! Cya next year...

  60. Happy New Year!! I'm done with my assignments.... here's the link...

  61. sir tapos na po ako sa assignment and happy new year sa inyo.

  62. Im done with my assignment ..

    Happy new year sir..

    takecare and godbless :)

  63. sir tapos ko na po yung assignment ko nung jan 1 kaso ngayon lang po ako nkapagpost... xenxia na po.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. sir im done with the five learning circle..sana tama.. thanks po Godbless!!

  66. sir tapos na koh kaso di muh pa send koh na poh sau sir....................hehehehe

  67. 12/5/10

    Usual Problems of ECED Children

    Usual Problems of ECED Children
    What happens – or doesn’t happen – to children in the earliest years of their lives is of critical importance, both to their immediate well-being and to their future.

    This phase brings a rapid increase in intellectual abilities, especially in the complexity of language. Social development occurs as the child learns to live within the family. He begins to identify with the parents and adopt their standards in matters of conscience. Social life develops rapidly as he learns to interact with siblings, other children, and adults. Temper tantrums continue, but diminish and should disappear before the child starts school. At this age, the child has much curiosity about the environment and may ask a great number of questions.

    In children aged 2-5, fantasy life is rich and vivid. It can form a temporary substitute for the real world, enabling desires to be fulfilled regardless of reality. Special objects such as teddy bears or pieces of blanket become important to the child. They appear to comfort and reassure the child, and help sleep. They have been called 'transitional objects'.

    The child begins to learn about his own identity. He realizes the differences between males and females in their appearance, clothes, behavior, and anatomy. Sexual play and exploration are common at this stage.
    According to psychodynamic theory, at this stage defense mechanisms develop to enable the child to cope with anxiety arising from unacceptable emotions. They include repression, rationalization, compensation, and displacement.

    In children from birth to the beginning of the fifth year, common problems include difficulties in feeding and sleeping, as well as clinging to the parents (separation anxiety), temper tantrums, oppositional behavior, and minor degrees of aggression.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. sir I'm done with my problem checklist
    i can post in our blog site because there's no enough space so look it on my blog site
